Wednesday, February 16, 2011

#30 yet another BALANCE BOARD

This is one of my latest homemade budget~friendly toys.
I am 6'2" with super long limbs and short torso so my center of gravity is high.
Not good for surfing!
I use this thing train myself to be able to squat lower and for longer.
Advice I got from tall shredder Danny Hess.
It is definitely working.
It is surprising how difficult it is to reprogram muscle memory,however.
Once I get in the water the usual patterns of standing erect for balance show up.
Still, I'll find myself in positions and places on the wave that I've never experienced all because of the increased strength and stability in a lower position relative to the board.
Surfing is freakin' fun!

1 comment:

Danny Boyer said...

dude, I wanted to see a demo of it in action! Looks hard.