Monday, May 09, 2011

#35 a wave...

i was flipping through my surf journal and came across an account of a wave i encountered back in the fall....the image is so clear in my head...i wish i had a photo to share, but these words are all that is left:

i saw the most beautiful wave. it was an afternoon session at Ocean Beach. the swell was long interval and decent size. the waves were breaking on the outside sandbar and there was some nice space between them. they peaks were far away from each other so it was hard to be in the right place.

i was sitting on the outside when i see a sneaky big one appear on the horizon. i stroked to get over it, but my 6'5" didn't allow me to cover enough space fast enough so i had to go under. when i came up there as another wave...a bigger wave rising near the horizon.

an opalesce green curtain rose from the sea. the slight texture on the surface made the wave sparkle in the sinking sun. at the top of the wave a double-up formed as if to urge itself to its potential. and then the curtain fell creating a dream-like barrel that raced alone towards the shoulder.

i was memerized by the beauty of this wave!

i had no thought of trying to get over it or under it. i was content in the presence of it. my jaw hung open; my eyes did not blink. i felt present. i felt lucky. i felt grateful. i do not know if anyone else saw it. i wanted to talk to someone about it.

i wanted to ride it : )