Wednesday, September 03, 2008

#18 Summer In San Francisco!

This is just a quick note of thanks and welcome to the arrival of Summer-in-San Francisco!!!

I looked off my back deck to see the flags blowing OFFSHORE for the first time in months signaling the beginning of our surf season in deez here parts. The sky was blue, the air was hot! And by golly, there was swell in the water!

To celebrate i spent most of the day at the beach! First i rounded up my little ones and we had a cross-town adventure riding the street train out to the beach. Watching my 3 year old daughter rolling down the sand dunes and thrashing in the water was a treat to my soul. And seeing my 9-month old daughter discover the joys of burying her feet in the warm sand was all that a beach loving dad could ask for......well almost...

After returning home and getting them down for a nap i had to jump in the car and head right back out to the beach so i could do a little celebrating of my own in water! The surf wasn't epic but it was fun and it was an honor to be out on this first offshore day of Summer-in-the-Bay!

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